Baku - Баку

Baku, the capital and commercial hub of Azerbaijan, is a low-lying city with coastline along the Caspian Sea. It's famed for its medieval walled old city, which contains the Palace of the Shirvanshahs, a vast royal complex, and the iconic stone Maiden Tower. Created by: Romanov Empire - Империя РомановыхDated: 1911
From the Middle Ages, Baku was a part of the historical area of Shirvan and the state of Shirvanshahs. In the 12th century, Baku was surrounded by a two-rowed fortress wall and a moat. The maiden tower also entered the city's defense system. Various goods were exported from Baku to the Golden Horde, Russian principalities, Iran and Central Asia. In the XV century, the complex of the Shirvanshahs palace was built.
In 1501, Shah Ismail took possession of the entire Shirvan, and Baku became part of the Safavid state. In 1578, the Ottoman army captured Baku. In 1607 the city again passed under the authority of the Safavids.
In 1806 the Russian army led by Pavel Tsitsianov approached Baku, Tsitsianov was killed by the order of the ruler. On October 3 of the same year, Russian troops captured Baku, and Huseyn Kuli fled to Persia. Khanate was abolished and Baku became the center of the newly formed Baku province.

In 1847, an oil well was drilled mechanically at the Bibi-Eybat deposit for the first time in the world. The industrial development of oil fields caused Baku's rapid growth, and it became an example of a rapidly growing European city. In 1859, Vasily Kokorev built the first Russian kerosene plant in Surakhani near Baku. In 1861, on the island of Pirallahi, the Tiflis pharmacist Witte built a paraffin plant. At this plant, paraffin wax, paraffin candles and paraffin oil were produced from oil. The foreman Javad Melikov built a kerosene plant in his own project in 1863. In 1871, the first well was drilled and commissioned in Balakhany with the help of a drilling rig.

The influx of foreign capital began in Baku, the offices of the Rothschilds, Nobels and other businessmen were opened. In addition to the oil industry, weaving was developing, mechanical factories, tobacco factories, mills, manufacturing enterprises, etc. were opened. In 1878, the Baku City Duma was opened in the city. On May 8, 1883, the Baku-Tbilisi railway was launched. In 1899, a rival was opened, a steam fleet appeared in the Baku port. Many migrants - Russians, Jews, Germans, Armenians, Azerbaijanis (both from Russia and Persia) came to the city, etc. The cultural boom blossomed with the oil boom, theaters opened, the opera house building was built. Baku became known as the "Paris of the Caucasus".

While no national group constituted an absolute majority, the main nationalities of the city were Azerbaijanis (then called Azerbaijani Tatars or Persians) and Armenians. Since the XVII century in Baku, there was a large Armenian community. Armenians inhabited entire streets and engaged in active trade. The bulk of the workers were Azerbaijani, although there were many merchants and owners of oil fields among them; while in the hands of the Armenians most of the trade and many oil trades were concentrated. Between these groups four times (in February and August 1905, in March and September 1918) there was a bloody massacres.

Со средних веков Баку находился в исторической области Ширван и государства Ширваншахов. В XII веке Баку был окружен двухрядной крепостной стеной и рвом. Девичья башня также вошла в систему защиты города. Из Баку вывозились различные товары в Золотую Орду, русские княжества, Иран и Среднюю Азию. В XV веке был создан комплекс дворца Ширваншахов.
В 1501 году Шах Исмаил овладел всем Ширваном, и Баку стал частью Сефевидского государства. В 1578 году Османская армия захватила Баку. В 1607 году город снова перешёл под власть Сефевидов.
В 1806 русская армия под предводительством Павла Цицианова подошла к Баку, Цицианов был убит по приказу правителя. 3 октября того же года российские войска захватили Баку, а Гусейн Кули бежал в Персию. Ханство было упразднено и Баку стал центром вновь образованной Бакинской провинции.

В 1847 году на Биби-Эйбатском месторождении впервые в мире механическим путём была пробурена нефтяная скважина. Промышленная разработка нефтяных месторождений стала причиной бурного роста Баку, и он стал образцом быстро растущего европейского города. В 1859 году Василий Кокорев построил в Сураханах под Баку первый в России керосиновый завод. В 1861 году на острове Пираллахи тифлисский фармацевт Витте построил парафиновый завод. На этом заводе из нефти изготовляли парафин, парафиновые свечи и парафиновое масло. Предниматель Джавад Меликов в 1863 году по собственному проекту построил керосиновый завод. В 1871 году в Балаханах с помощью бурильной установки была пробурена и сдана в эксплуатацию первая скважина.

В Баку начался приток иностранного капитала, открылись офисы Ротшильдов, Нобелей и других предпринимателей. Помимо нефтяной промышленности развивалось ткацкое производство, открывались механические заводы, табачные фабрики, мельницы, обрабатывающие предприятия и т. п. В 1878 году в городе была открыта Бакинская городская дума. 8 мая 1883 года была пущена железная дорога Баку-Тбилиси. В 1899 году открыли конку, в Бакинском порту появился паровой флот. В город съехалось много мигрантов — русских, евреев, немцев, армян, азербайджанцев (как из России, так и из Персии) и т. д. С нефтяным бумом расцвела культурная жизнь, открылись театры, было построено здание оперного театра. Баку стал известен как «Париж Кавказа».

При том, что ни одна национальная группа не составляла абсолютного большинства, основными национальностями города являлись азербайджанцы (которых тогда называли азербайджанскими татарами или персами) и армяне. С XVII века в Баку имелось имелась большая армянская община. Армяне заселяли целые улицы и занимались активной торговлей.
Основную массу рабочих при этом составляли азербайджанцы, хотя и среди них было немало купцов и владельцев нефтяных промыслов; тогда как в руках армян была сосредоточена большая часть торговли и многие нефтяные промыслы. Между этими группами четыре раза (в феврале и августе 1905 г., в марте и сентябре 1918 г.) происходила кровопролитная резня.
229 Media in collectionpage 1 of 3
Baku. Oil fountain fire, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Oil fountain fire, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Fire in the oil field. Баку. Пожар на нефтяном промысле.

Old Baku. The Khan's Palace., Russian Empire, 19th century

Old Baku. The Khan's Palace., Russian Empire, 19th century

The Khan's Palace. Shirvanshahs palace (Şirvanşahlar sarayı) is the former residence of shirvanshahs ... The building of the palace is located on the top of the Baku hill, in the oldest part of the city, called... More

Old Baku. Muslim Temple., Russian Empire, 19th century

Old Baku. Muslim Temple., Russian Empire, 19th century

Old Baku. Muslim Quarters. Старый Баку. Мусульманские кварталы. Public domain photograph of church, Russian Empire, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Old Baku. Oil refinery in old city.

Old Baku. Oil refinery in old city.

Примитивная нефтепереработка. Баку, 1888 Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Newsstanders. The international telegraph station Tiflis-Baku. State savings bank.

Newsstanders. The international telegraph station Tiflis-Baku. State s...

Newsstanders. The international telegraph station Tiflis-Baku. State savings bank. Разносчики газет. Международная телеграфная станция Тифлис-Баку. Государственная сберегательная касса.

Baku, Bailov Port, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku, Bailov Port, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku, Bailov port. Баку, Баилов порт.

Velikoknyazheskaya (Olginskaya) Street 1880

Velikoknyazheskaya (Olginskaya) Street 1880

Velikoknyazheskaya (Olginskaya) Str. 1880 Великокняжеская (Ольгинская) ул. 1880

Old Baku. View of fortress and buildings.

Old Baku. View of fortress and buildings.

Old Baku. View of fortress and buildings. Photo of a Georgian in a national costume. Ter-Ovanesov Printing House, Baku. Старый Баку. Вид крепости и части строений. Фотография грузинки в национальном костюме. ... More

Baku railway station, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku railway station, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku railway station Train Terminal Station. Baku. Железнодорожный вокзал. Баку. Бакинский вокзал

Old Baku. City Garden, Russian Empire, 19th century

Old Baku. City Garden, Russian Empire, 19th century

Old Baku. City Garden. Баку, городской сад

Fountain of burning oil on Bibi-Heybat

Fountain of burning oil on Bibi-Heybat

Фонтанирующий и горящий нефтяной фонтан на Биби-Эйбате Public domain photograph of a historical landmark building in Russia, Russian architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Baku, Jewish Synagogue, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku, Jewish Synagogue, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku, Jewish Synagogue Баку, Еврейская синагога Public domain photograph of theater building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Oil rig. Baku., Russian Empire, 19th century

Oil rig. Baku., Russian Empire, 19th century

Oil rig. Baku. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Street barber shop. Old Baku., Russian Empire, 19th century

Street barber shop. Old Baku., Russian Empire, 19th century

Local residents. Street barber shop. Old Baku. Местные жители. Уличная цирюльня. Старый Баку.

Baku. Oil fountain in the oil field.

Baku. Oil fountain in the oil field.

Baku. Oil fountain in the oil field. Баку. Фонтан нефти на нефтяном промысле.

Oil refinery workers, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Oil refinery workers, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku Oil industy Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Traditional Muslim dance with sabers. Baku.

Traditional Muslim dance with sabers. Baku.

Traditional Muslim dance with sabers. Baku. Традиционный мусульманский танец с саблями. Баку.

Dark row - Old Muslim Quarters of Baku

Dark row - Old Muslim Quarters of Baku

Dark row Old Muslim Quarters of Baku Темный ряд Старые мусульманские кварталы Баку

Zhigulevsky beer warehouse. Delivery of delivery Zhigulevsky beer. Baku.

Zhigulevsky beer warehouse. Delivery of delivery Zhigulevsky beer. Bak...

Zhigulevsky beer warehouse. Delivery of delivery Zhigulevskogo beer. Baku. Жигулёвский пивной склад. Подводы доставки Жигулевского пива. Баку.

Baku city grid, Aerial photography.

Baku city grid, Aerial photography.

Baku, Aerial photography. Баку, Аэрофотосъемка. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Baku oil terminals, Aerial photography.

Baku oil terminals, Aerial photography.

Baku, Aerial photography. Баку, Аэрофотосъемка. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Seaplanes mooring, view of the house of Gadzhinsky.

Seaplanes mooring, view of the house of Gadzhinsky.

Seaplanes mooring, view of the house of Gadzhinsky. The Baku officer's school of naval aviation (BOSHMA) is the second educational institution of the Russian Empire, designed for the training of officers in th... More

Sadovaya street - view from Mirbabaev's house

Sadovaya street - view from Mirbabaev's house

Sadovaya street - view from Mirbabaev's house, Baku Садовая улица - вид с дома Мирбабаева

Baku, Bailov cape, postcard. - Russian postcard. Public domain image.

Baku, Bailov cape, postcard. - Russian postcard. Public domain image.

Baku, Bailov cape, postcard. Баку, Баилов мыс, почтовая карточка.

Baku. Limans., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Limans., Russian Empire, 19th century

Old Baku. Muslim Quarters. Старый Баку. Мусульманские кварталы. Лиман. Суда на рейде.

Baku, the City Garden., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku, the City Garden., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku, the City Garden. Баку, Городской сад.

Baku. Oil production fire, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Oil production fire, Russian Empire, 19th century

Фонтанирующий и горящий нефтяной фонтан Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Old Baku. Khan Palace. Color postcard.

Old Baku. Khan Palace. Color postcard.

The Khan's Palace. Shirvanshahs palace (Şirvanşahlar sarayı) is the former residence of shirvanshahs ... The building of the palace is located on the top of the Baku hill, in the oldest part of the city, called... More

Emmanuel Nobel. The tanker of the Nobel oil company.

Emmanuel Nobel. The tanker of the Nobel oil company.

Emmanuel Nobel. The tanker of the Nobel oil company. Эммануил Нобель. Танкер нефтяной компании Нобеля.

The steamer Talmud. Baku. - Public domain image of a steam ship or boat

The steamer Talmud. Baku. - Public domain image of a steam ship or boa...

The steamer Talmud. Baku. Пароход Талмуд. Баку.

The steamer on the roadstead of Baku.

The steamer on the roadstead of Baku.

The steamer on the roadstead of Baku. Пароход на рейде Баку.

Baku. The office next to the oil refinery. Баку.

Baku. The office next to the oil refinery. Баку.

Baku. The office next to the oil refinery. Баку. Контора рядом с нефтеперабатывающим заводом.

Street vendors, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Street vendors, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Street vendors, Baku Уличные торговцы, Баку Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The center of Baku. Embankment. Maiden's Tower.

The center of Baku. Embankment. Maiden's Tower.

The center of Baku. Embankment. Maiden's Tower. Центр Баку. Набережная. Девичья башня.

Old Baku View Poscard., Russian Empire, 19th century

Old Baku View Poscard., Russian Empire, 19th century

Old Baku. Muslim Quarters. Старый Баку. Мусульманские кварталы.

Baku, an equestrian tram and a railway station.

Baku, an equestrian tram and a railway station.

Baku, an equestrian tram and a railway station. Баку, конка и вокзал.

Old Baku. Muslim Quarters., Russian Empire, 19th century

Old Baku. Muslim Quarters., Russian Empire, 19th century

Old Baku. Muslim Quarters. Старый Баку. The center of Baku. Embankment. Maiden's Tower. Мусульманские кварталы. Центр Баку. Набережная. Девичья башня.

Bailov cape and ship dock in Baku

Bailov cape and ship dock in Baku

Bailov cape and ship dock in Baku Баилов мыс и корабельный док в Баку

View from the sea to the city (Bibi-Eybata-Cape Naftalan area)

View from the sea to the city (Bibi-Eybata-Cape Naftalan area)

View from the sea to the city (Bibi-Eybata-Cape Naftalan area) Вид с моря на город (район Биби-Эйбата-мыс Нафталан)

Baku, an apartment house in the central part

Baku, an apartment house in the central part

Baku, an apartment house in the central part Баку, доходный дом в центральной части - Здание по Красноводской угол Торговой. 1905

The main entrance to the Khan's palace of Shirvanshahs is 1860-70.

The main entrance to the Khan's palace of Shirvanshahs is 1860-70.

The main entrance to the Khan's palace of Shirvanshahs is 1860-70. Парадный вход в ханский дворец Ширваншахов 1860-70.

Seaplanes mooring, Baku, Russian Empire

Seaplanes mooring, Baku, Russian Empire

Seaplanes mooring, view of the house of Gadzhinsky. The Baku officer's school of naval aviation (BOSHMA) is the second educational institution of the Russian Empire, designed for the training of officers in th... More

Old Baku. Shikhovo (Bibi Eibat).

Old Baku. Shikhovo (Bibi Eibat).

Old Baku. Shikhovo (Bibi Eibat). Старый Баку. Шихово (Биби Эйбат).

The Armenian-Gregorian Church near Parapet

The Armenian-Gregorian Church near Parapet

The Armenian-Gregorian Church near Parapet Армяно-Григорианская церковь у Парапета

Old Baku. Postcard - Russian postcard. Public domain image.
Synagogue (House of Prayer), Baku

Synagogue (House of Prayer), Baku

Synagogue (House of Prayer), Baku Синагога (Дом молитвы), Баку Public domain scan of a synagogue, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Street peddler. Old city, Baku.

Street peddler. Old city, Baku.

Street peddler. Old city, Baku. Уличный разносчик. Старый город, Баку.

Baku. A scene of forced washing of people at the railway station.

Baku. A scene of forced washing of people at the railway station.

Baku. A scene of forced washing of people at the railway station. Баку. Сцена принудительной мойки людей на железнодорожной станции.

Baku Oil Refinery. Laboratory of quality control of petroleum products.

Baku Oil Refinery. Laboratory of quality control of petroleum products...

Baku Oil Refinery. Laboratory of quality control of petroleum products. Бакинский нефтеперабатывающий завод. Лаборатория контроля качества нефтепродуктов.

Refinery. Baku, 1900, Russian Empire, 19th century

Refinery. Baku, 1900, Russian Empire, 19th century

Refinery. Baku, 1900 Нефтеперерабатывающий завод. Баку, 1900

Baku. Oil fountain in the oil field.

Baku. Oil fountain in the oil field.

Baku. Oil fountain in the oil field. Баку. Фонтан нефти на нефтяном промысле.

Baku, Transportation of oil in tanks.

Baku, Transportation of oil in tanks.

Baku, Transportation of oil in tanks. Баку, Транспортировка нефти в цистернах.

Baku from above, Aerial photography.

Baku from above, Aerial photography.

Baku, Aerial photography. Баку, Аэрофотосъемка. Public domain scan of print / book page depicting birds, ornithology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Society of the Kharkov Refinery. The Baku office. Baku.

Society of the Kharkov Refinery. The Baku office. Baku.

Society of the Kharkov Refinery. The Baku office. Baku. Общество Харьковского Рафинадного Завода. Бакинская контора. Баку.

Petrovskaya Embankment. Marina of the shipping company in Lenkoran and Salyan

Petrovskaya Embankment. Marina of the shipping company in Lenkoran and...

Petrovskaya Embankment. Marina of the shipping company in Lenkoran and Salyan Петровская набережная. Пристань пароходства в Ленкорань и Сальяны

Old Baku. The Lezghin Minaret., Russian Empire, 19th century

Old Baku. The Lezghin Minaret., Russian Empire, 19th century

Old Baku. Muslim Quarters. The Lezghin Minaret. Старый Баку. Мусульманские кварталы. Лезгинский Минарет.

Baku. New Boulevard., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. New Boulevard., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. New Boulevard. Баку. Новый Бульвар.

Baku, embarkment, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku, embarkment, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku, embankment next to the port. Баку, набережная рядом с портом.

Caspian Sea - Kavkaz and Mercury, Baku

Caspian Sea - Kavkaz and Mercury, Baku

Caspian Sea - Kavkaz and Mercury, Baku Пристань Кавказ и Меркурий, Баку

Surakhany, Temple of Fire-worshipers

Surakhany, Temple of Fire-worshipers

Surakhany, Temple of Fire-worshipers Суракханы, Храм огнепоклонников Public domain photograph of antique or medieval ruins, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Old Baku. Muezzin. Muslim Quarters.

Old Baku. Muezzin. Muslim Quarters.

Dark row Old Muslim Quarters of Baku Старый Баку. Мусульманские кварталы.

Baku, Oilfield in Blazy., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku, Oilfield in Blazy., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku, Oilfield in Blazy. Баку, Нефтяной Промысел в Блязи.

Steamer on the Baku sea route - Public domain image of a steam boat

Steamer on the Baku sea route - Public domain image of a steam boat

Steamer on the Baku sea route Пароход на рейде Баку Public domain photograph of a steamboat ship, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Local peasants on the ferry. Neighborhoods of Baku.

Local peasants on the ferry. Neighborhoods of Baku.

Local peasants on the ferry. Neighborhoods of Baku. Местные крестьяне на паромной переправе. Окрестности Баку.

Phaeton in Baku street - Victorian era public domain image

Phaeton in Baku street - Victorian era public domain image

Phaeton in Baku street Фаэтон на улице Баку

Maiden's Tower, Russian Empire, 19th century

Maiden's Tower, Russian Empire, 19th century

Maiden's Tower, Baku Девичья башня, Баку Public domain photograph of city center, downtown, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Baku oil refinery and oil terminal.

Baku oil refinery and oil terminal.

Baku oil refinery and oil terminal. Бакинский нефтеперабатывающий завод и нефтяной железнодорожный терминал.

Oil refinery, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Oil refinery, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Чаны нефтеперерабатывающего завода. Баку, 1888 Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Postcard. Bibi-Eibat. Baku. - Russian postcard. Public domain image.

Postcard. Bibi-Eibat. Baku. - Russian postcard. Public domain image.

Postcard. Bibi-Eibat. Baku. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Badi Burasi, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Badi Burasi, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Badi Burasi, Baku Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Prayer in the Mosque on the eve of the Shahsei-Vahsei holiday; Old Baku. Muslim Quarters.

Prayer in the Mosque on the eve of the Shahsei-Vahsei holiday; Old Bak...

Prayer in the Mosque on the eve of the Shahsei-Vahsei holiday; Old Baku. Muslim Quarters. Молитва в Мечети накануне праздника Шахсей-Вахсей; Старый Баку. Мусульманские кварталы.

St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Baku, Russian Empire

St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Baku, Russian Empire

St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral Александро-Невский собор

View of Bailov. Baku., Russian Empire, 19th century

View of Bailov. Baku., Russian Empire, 19th century

View of Bailov. Вид на Баилов. Public domain photograph of painting, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

City Council, Dumskaya Square, the house of Ashumov. About 1900

City Council, Dumskaya Square, the house of Ashumov. About 1900

City Council, Dumskaya Square, the house of Ashumov. About 1900 Городская дума, Думская пл., дом Ашумова. Около 1900

Burning oil fountains in Bibi-Heybat. Baku.

Burning oil fountains in Bibi-Heybat. Baku.

Burning oil fountains in Bibi-Heybat. Baku. Горящие нефтяные фонтаны в Биби-Эйбате. Баку.

Old Baku. Muslim Street., Russian Empire, 19th century

Old Baku. Muslim Street., Russian Empire, 19th century

Old Baku. Muslim Quarters. Старый Баку. Мусульманские кварталы.

Embarkment and Maiden's Tower, Baku, postcard

Embarkment and Maiden's Tower, Baku, postcard

Old Baku. Muslim Quarters. Старый Баку. Мусульманские кварталы.

Baku. Fire of the oil lake., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Fire of the oil lake., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Fire in the oil field. Баку. Пожар на нефтяном промысле.

Old Baku. Surahani. Temple of Fire worshipers.

Old Baku. Surahani. Temple of Fire worshipers.

Old Baku. Surahani. Temple of Fire Worshipers. Сураханы. Храм Огнепоклонников

St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Baku, 1900s

St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Baku, 1900s

St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral Александро-Невский собор Public domain photograph of a palace, mansion building in Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

View of embarkment and Bailov, Baku

View of embarkment and Bailov, Baku

View of embarkment and Bailov, Baku Александровская набережная и императорская пристань. Баку - Гавань и вид на Баилов

The Armenian-Gregorian Church near Parapet

The Armenian-Gregorian Church near Parapet

The Armenian-Gregorian Church near Parapet Армяно-Григорианская церковь у Парапета

Baku. Oil production from wells and wells.

Baku. Oil production from wells and wells.

Baku. Oil production from wells and wells. Баку. Добыча нефти из колодцев и скважин.

Steamboat. Baku. - Public domain image of a steam boat

Steamboat. Baku. - Public domain image of a steam boat

Steamboat. Baku. Пароход. Баку. Public domain photograph of Russian ship, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of Russian ship, free to use, no copyright... More

Darwin - Steamer, Caspian Sea - Public domain image of a steam ship or boat

Darwin - Steamer, Caspian Sea - Public domain image of a steam ship or...

Public domain image of a sailing ship, caravel, harbor, sea, naval battle, 16th-17th century maritime seascape, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Work on an oil well, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Work on an oil well, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Work on an oil well, Baku Работы на нефтяной скважине, Баку

Baku. Oil industry., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Oil industry., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Oil industry. Баку. Нефтяные промыслы.

Oil rig, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Oil rig, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Oil production. Баку. Добыча нефти.

Local resident and his carriage, Baku

Local resident and his carriage, Baku

Local resident and his carriage, Baku Местный житель и его Повозка, Баку

Baku., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Баку. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Baku oil refinery and oil terminal.

Baku oil refinery and oil terminal.

Baku oil refinery and oil terminal. Бакинский нефтеперабатывающий завод и нефтяной железнодорожный терминал. Чаны нефтеперерабатывающего завода. Баку, 1900

Oil refinery, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Oil refinery, Baku, Russian Empire, 19th century

Чаны нефтеперерабатывающего завода. Баку, 1900 Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The Lutheran Church. Baku., Russian Empire, 19th century

The Lutheran Church. Baku., Russian Empire, 19th century

The Lutheran Church. Baku. Лютеранская церковь. Баку. Public domain photograph of historic building, cathedral, church, religious architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Parapet Square, Baku. The Armenian Cathedral.

Parapet Square, Baku. The Armenian Cathedral.

Parapet Square, Baku. The Armenian Cathedral. Площадь Парапет, Баку. Армянский собор.

Baku Harbor, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku Harbor, Russian Empire, 19th century

Bakinskaya Harbor Бакинская гавань Public domain photograph of shipyard, ship docks, harbor, port, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Baku. Maiden's Tower., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Maiden's Tower., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Maiden's Tower. Баку. Девичья Башня. Public domain photograph of a historical landmark building in Russia, Russian architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Sediment of the pipe into the well. Petroleum industry. Baku.

Sediment of the pipe into the well. Petroleum industry. Baku.

Sediment of the pipe into the well. Petroleum industry. Baku. Осадка трубы в скважину. Нефтяной промысел. Баку.

Old Baku. Caravan in the sea port.

Old Baku. Caravan in the sea port.

Old Baku. Caravan in the sea port. Старый Баку. Караван в порту.

Baku port, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku port, Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku port Бакинский порт Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Baku. Fire in the oil field., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Fire in the oil field., Russian Empire, 19th century

Baku. Fire in the oil field. Баку. Пожар на нефтяном промысле.


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