Ilya Muromets - Илья Муромец

Mass produced Russian WW-I heavy bomber - Тяжёлый Бомбардировщик Первой Мировой ВойныCreated by: Romanov Empire - Империя РомановыхDated: 1914
Ilya Muromets was the name of four-engine wooden biplanes manufactured in the Russian Empire at the Russian-Baltic Carriage Factory during 1914-1919.

The first serial passenger airplane in history was developed by the aviation department of the Russian-Baltic Carriage Factory in St. Petersburg under the leadership of II Sikorsky. The aircraft achieved a number of records of load-carrying capacity, number of passengers, time and maximum flight altitude.

Construction of the first aircraft was completed in October 1913. After the tests, it performed indicative flights and set several records, the record of the carrying capacity: on December 12, 1913, 1,100 kg (the previous record on the Sommer airplane was 653 kg), on February 12, 1914, 16 people and a dog with a total weight of 1290 kg. Sikorsky himself piloted the plane. It was equipped with a cabin separate from the cabin, sleeping rooms and even a bathroom with a toilet. On "Muromets" there was heating (exhaust gases of engines) and electric lighting.

In 1914, a squadron of bombers "Ilya Muromets" was created, which became the first bomber squad in the world. Its head was M. V. Shidlovsky. The first time the squadron flew to the combat mission on February 14 (27), 1915.

During the war, the army received 60 aircraft. The squadron carried out 400 sorties, dropped 65 tons of bombs and destroyed 12 enemy fighters. The most common cause of losses was not a combat losses, which amounted to 4 aircraft, but technical problems and accidents - about two dozen cars lost.

Илья Муромец - название четырёхмоторных цельнодеревянных бипланов, выпускавшихся в Российской империи на Русско-Балтийском вагонном заводе в течение 1914—1919 годов. Первый в истории серийный пассажирский самолёт, был разработан авиационным отделом Русско-Балтийского вагонного завода в Петербурге под руководством И. И. Сикорского. На самолёте поставлен ряд рекордов грузоподъёмности, числа пассажиров, времени и максимальной высоты полёта.

Постройка первой машины завершена в октябре 1913 года. После испытаний на ней производили показательные полёты и установили несколько рекордов, в частности рекорд грузоподъёмности: 12 декабря 1913 года 1100 кг (предыдущий рекорд на самолете Соммера составлял 653 кг), 12 февраля 1914 года в воздух было поднято 16 человек и собака, общим весом 1290 кг. Пилотировал самолёт сам И. И. Сикорский. Он был оснащён отдельным от кабины салоном, спальными комнатами и даже ванной с туалетом. На «Муромце» имелось отопление (выхлопными газами двигателей) и электрическое освещение.

В 1914 году создана эскадра бомбардировщиков «Илья Муромец», ставшей первым в мире соединением бомбардировщиков. Её начальником стал М. В. Шидловский.
Первый раз на боевое задание самолёты эскадры вылетели 14 (27) февраля 1915.

За годы войны в войска поступило 60 машин. Эскадра совершила 400 боевых вылетов, сбросила 65 тонн бомб и уничтожила 12 вражеских истребителей. Самой распространённой причиной потерь были не военные потери, которые составили 4 самолёта, а технические неполадки и несчастные случаи — потеряно около двух десятков машин.
57 Media in collectionpage 1 of 1
Great princes visiting the 6th squadron of Ilya Muromets heavy bombers.

Great princes visiting the 6th squadron of Ilya Muromets heavy bombers...

The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich examines the aircraft squad of Ilya Muromets I. 6-я авиационная рота в Лемберге. 1915 Великий князь Александр Михайлович осмат... More

Ilya Muromets series B during World War I

Ilya Muromets series B during World War I

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Great princes in the group of aviators of the plane Ilya Muromets

Great princes in the group of aviators of the plane Ilya Muromets

Great princes in the group of aviators of the plane Ilya Muromets: mechanic Panasyuk, ensign Bylinkin, staff captain Rudnev, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, staff captain Ilyinsky, Grand Duke Alexander Mikhai... More

Loading bombs onto  Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets

Loading bombs onto Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets

Bombs loading - Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets as hydroplane

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets as hydroplane

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets as hydroplane Public domain photograph related to airlines, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series V-21

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series V-21

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets Public domain photograph related to airlines, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series V crew

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series V crew

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series V with Sunbeam engines Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Starting engine of Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets

Starting engine of Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets

Starting engine Argus-As.II on Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM series V.

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets stationed in Kiev. Engines -Argus. Aerodrome St.Yablonna. Jan 1915

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets stationed in Kiev. Engines -Argus. Aerodrom...

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets stationed in Kiev. Engines -Argus. Aerodrom St.Yablonna. Jan 1915

Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich visits the squadron of heavy bombers Ilya Muromets.

Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich visits the squadron of heavy bombers...

The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich examines the aircraft squad of Ilya Muromets I. 6-я авиационная рота в Лемберге. 1915 Великий князь Михаил Александрович осматр... More

Loading bombs onto Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets

Loading bombs onto Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets

Loading bombs onto Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM-S series Argus-ASII engine

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM-S series Argus-ASII engine

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM-S series Argus-ASII engine close up

Great princes Mikhail Alexandrovich and Alexander Mikhailovich with a group of officers and aviators inspect a prototype of a heavy bomber Ilya Muromets.

Great princes Mikhail Alexandrovich and Alexander Mikhailovich with a ...

Great princes Mikhail Alexandrovich and Alexander Mikhailovich with a group of officers and aviators inspect a prototype of a heavy bomber Ilya Muromets. The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 6-я ав... More

Great princes Mikhail Alexandrovich and Alexander Mikhailovich with a group of officers and aviators inspect a prototype of a heavy bomber Ilya Muromets.

Great princes Mikhail Alexandrovich and Alexander Mikhailovich with a ...

Great princes Mikhail Alexandrovich and Alexander Mikhailovich with a group of officers and aviators inspect a prototype of a heavy bomber Ilya Muromets. The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 6-я ав... More

Group of officers and pilots of the Ilya Muromets squadron

Group of officers and pilots of the Ilya Muromets squadron

Great princes Mikhail Alexandrovich and Alexander Mikhailovich with a group of officers and aviators inspect a prototype of a heavy bomber Ilya Muromets. Group of officers and pilots of the Ilya Muromets squad... More

Sikorskij and Shidlovskij during 1000 pound bomb test

Sikorskij and Shidlovskij during 1000 pound bomb test

Load of Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets. Sikorskij and Shidlovskij during 1000 pound bomb test

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series V ready to fly

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series V ready to fly

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets Public domain photograph of aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series E-2 crew members

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series E-2 crew members

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets crew members Public domain photograph of aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Replacing Argus-ASII engine on Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM-V.

Replacing Argus-ASII engine on Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM-V.

Replacing Argus-ASII engine on Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM-V.

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM series B on rail platform

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM series B on rail platform

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets transportation on rail platform Public domain photograph of train car, engine, locomotive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Great princes Mikhail Alexandrovich and Alexander Mikhailovich with a group of officers and aviators inspect a prototype of a heavy bomber Ilya Muromets.

Great princes Mikhail Alexandrovich and Alexander Mikhailovich with a ...

Great princes Mikhail Alexandrovich and Alexander Mikhailovich with a group of officers and aviators inspect a prototype of a heavy bomber Ilya Muromets. The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 6-я ав... More

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series B

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series B

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets after incident, 1914

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets after incident, 1914

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets after an incident near railway station Plyussa. September 1914

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets crew during inspection

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets crew during inspection

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets crew Public domain photograph of a train car, locomotive, engine, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Wing assembly: Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM series B

Wing assembly: Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM series B

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets Public domain photograph of aircraft engine, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM-F hydroplane

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM-F hydroplane

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM-F hydroplane Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Cabin of Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets V-9 nose part

Cabin of Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets V-9 nose part

Cabin of Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Assembly of Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets

Assembly of Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets

Assembly of Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets Public domain photograph of aircraft engine, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets Series G crew

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets Series G crew

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series G crew Public domain photograph of aircraft engine, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich examines the machine gun on the aircraft Ilya Muromets I.

Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich examines the machine gun on the aircr...

The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich examines the machine gun on the aircraft Ilya Muromets I. 6-я авиационная рота в Лемберге. 1915 Великий князь Михаил Александро... More

Hangar for storage of heavy bomber Ilya Muromets.

Hangar for storage of heavy bomber Ilya Muromets.

Hangar for storage of heavy bomber Ilya Muromets. The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 6-я авиационная рота в Лемберге. 1915 Ангар для хранения тяжёлого бомбардировщика Илья Муромец.

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series B Argus

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series B Argus

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series B Argus Engine Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets cabin and Argus engine

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets cabin and Argus engine

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets new part - with Argus Engine Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM series V

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM series V

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets Public domain photograph related to airlines, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets rear gunner station

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets rear gunner station

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets. Rear gunner station. Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Replacing engine on Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets

Replacing engine on Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets

Replacing engine on Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM-B. Benz-Gaggenau truck.

Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich visits the squadron of heavy bombers Ilya Muromets.

Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich visits the squadron of heavy bombers...

Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich visits the squadron of heavy bombers Ilya Muromets. The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 6-я авиационная рота в Лемберге. 1915 Великий князь Алексадр Михайлович по... More

Cabin and Argus Engine, Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets

Cabin and Argus Engine, Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series B, Argus engine Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series B, Argus, in flight

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series B, Argus, in flight

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets in flight Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich visits the 6th squadron of heavy bombers Ilya Muromets.

Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich visits the 6th squadron of heavy bom...

The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich examines the aircraft squad of Ilya Muromets I. 6-я авиационная рота в Лемберге. 1915 Великий князь Александр Михайлович осмат... More

The mechanic is checking the engine of the heavy bomber Ilya Muromets.

The mechanic is checking the engine of the heavy bomber Ilya Muromets.

The mechanic is checking the engine of the heavy bomber Ilya Muromets. The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 6-я авиационная рота в Лемберге. 1915 Механик за проверкой мотора тяжёлого бомбардировщик... More

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets after crash

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets after crash

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series B after crash Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series B Salmson

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series B Salmson

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets Series B Salmson Engine Public domain photograph of aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets. Grand Duke Mikhail Aleksandrovich inspects machine gun.jpg

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets. Grand Duke Mikhail Aleksandrovich inspects...

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets. Grand Duke Mikhail Aleksandrovich inspects machine gun.jpg

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series V-4 crew members

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series V-4 crew members

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series V-4 "Air Ship" crew members

In flight: Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series G-3

In flight: Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series G-3

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich visits the squadron of heavy bombers Ilya Muromets.

Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich visits the squadron of heavy bombers...

The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich examines the aircraft squad of Ilya Muromets I. 6-я авиационная рота в Лемберге. 1915 Великий князь Александр Михайлович осмат... More

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets Argus Inspection

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets Argus Inspection

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series B Argus Engine Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets. Grand Duke Mikhail Aleksandrovich inspects machine gun.jpg

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets. Grand Duke Mikhail Aleksandrovich inspects...

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets. Grand Duke Mikhail Aleksandrovich inspects machine gun.jpg

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series B in flight

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series B in flight

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets in flight Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Strelok IM-IV Airship, Madsen on top centroplane machinegun station.

Strelok IM-IV Airship, Madsen on top centroplane machinegun station.

Strelok IM-IV Airship, Madsen on top centroplane machinegun station. Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets machine gun.

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM series D, Pskov air field. Summer 1916

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM series D, Pskov air field. Summer 1916

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM series D, Pskov air field. Summer 1916

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets hydroplane

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets hydroplane

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets hydroplane Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM-G series crew

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets IM-G series crew

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets hydroplane test

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets hydroplane test

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The building of the arena - the assembly aircraft of the heavy bomber squad of Ilya Muromets

The building of the arena - the assembly aircraft of the heavy bomber ...

The building of the arena - the assembly aircraft of the heavy bomber squad of Ilya Muromets The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 6-я авиационная рота в Лемберге. 1915 Здание манежа - сборочной лет... More

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets after crash

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets after crash

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets series G after the western front crash.