grand duchess, romanov

368 media by topicpage 2 of 4
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duchess Anastasia

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duchess Anastasia

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duchess Anastasia Nicholaevna .1901 Public domain photograph - 19th-century studio portrait photo, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duchess Tatiana

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duchess Tatiana

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duchess Tatiana Nicholaevna.1897. Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, aristocracy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Grand Duchesses Tatiana and Olga. 1900.

Grand Duchesses Tatiana and Olga. 1900.

Grand Duchesses Tatiana and Olga. 1900. Public domain photograph - portrait, children of 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Romanov family, 1888 - Public domain portrait photograph

Romanov family, 1888 - Public domain portrait photograph

By Serge Levitsky..Grand Duke Michael (far left) with his parents and siblings. Back row (left to right): Empress Marie, Grand Duke Nicholas (later Nicholas II), Grand Duchess Xenia, Grand Duke George. Front: G... More

Olga & Tatiana of Russia - Public domain portrait photograph

Olga & Tatiana of Russia - Public domain portrait photograph

Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna (1895-1981) with her sister Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna (1897-1918), children of Nicholas the II of Russia and his wife Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova.

Nicholas II with Grand Duchess Tatiana. Alexander Palace.1913.

Nicholas II with Grand Duchess Tatiana. Alexander Palace.1913.

Nicholas II with Grand Duchess Tatiana. Alexander Palace.1913.

Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia...

Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia...

Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia... Public domain photograph - portrait, children of 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Livadia. 1914. - Public domain portrait photograph

Livadia. 1914. - Public domain portrait photograph

Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia.

Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia. Livadia, 1914

Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia. Livadia, 1914

Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia. Livadia, 1914

Grand Princess Mary, Anastasia, Tatiana and Olga. 1914 year.

Grand Princess Mary, Anastasia, Tatiana and Olga. 1914 year.

From left to right: Grand Princess Mary, Anastasia, Tatiana and Olga. 1914 year. Слева направо: Великие Княжны Мария, Анастасия, Татьяна и Ольга. 1914 год.

Grand duchess Tatiana on board of "Standart " . 1914.

Grand duchess Tatiana on board of "Standart " . 1914.

Grand duchess Tatiana on board of "Standart " . 1914. Великая Княжна Татьяна Николаевна на борту яхты "Штандарт" 1914 год.

Grand Duchess Daughter of Emperor Nicholas II. Tsarskoe Selo.

Grand Duchess Daughter of Emperor Nicholas II. Tsarskoe Selo.

Grand Duchess Daughter of Emperor Nicholas II. From left to right: Maria Nikolaevna, Olga Nikolaevna, Tatiana Nikolaevna and Anastasia Nikolaevna. Tsarskoe Selo. Великие Княжны дочери Императора Николая II. Сл... More

The daughter of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Olga.

The daughter of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Olga.

The daughter of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Olga. Дочь Императора Николая II Великая Княжна Ольга Николаевна.

Grand duchesses Olga and Tatiana. 1900.

Grand duchesses Olga and Tatiana. 1900.

Grand duchesses Olga and Tatiana. 1900. Public domain photograph - portrait, children of 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Family of Nicholas II. In traveling on a Imperial yacht Standard 1899-1900.

Family of Nicholas II. In traveling on a Imperial yacht Standard 1899-...

Любительские фотографии из альбома царской семьи Николая II. В путешествии на яхте Штандарт 1899-1900 гг.. Хранение: ГАРФ (Государственный Архив Российской Федерации). Amateur photos from the album of the ro... More

The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in Germany. Amateur photos from the album of the Romanov family 1899-1900.

The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in...

Семья Российского Императора Николая Второго в гостях у родственников в Германии. Любительские фотографии из альбома императорской семьи Романовых. 1899-1900 гг. Хранение: ГАРФ (Государственный Архив Российско... More

The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in Germany. Castle Wolfsgarten. 1899-1900

The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in...

Семья Российского Императора Николая Второго в гостях у родственников в Германии. Замок Вольфсгартен. Любительские фотографии из альбома императорской семьи Романовых. 1899-1900 гг. Хранение: ГАРФ (Государстве... More

The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in Germany. Castle Wolfsgarten. 1899-1900

The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in...

Семья Российского Императора Николая Второго в гостях у родственников в Германии. Замок Вольфсгартен. Любительские фотографии из альбома императорской семьи Романовых. 1899-1900 гг. Хранение: ГАРФ (Государстве... More

The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in Germany. Amateur photos from the album of the Romanov family 1899-1900.

The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in...

Семья Российского Императора Николая Второго в гостях у родственников в Германии. Любительские фотографии из альбома императорской семьи Романовых. 1899-1900 гг. Хранение: ГАРФ (Государственный Архив Российско... More

Sisters. The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in Germany. Amateur photos from the album of the Romanov family 1899-1900.

Sisters. The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his rel...

Семья Российского Императора Николая Второго в гостях у родственников в Германии. Любительские фотографии из альбома императорской семьи Романовых. 1899-1900 гг. Хранение: ГАРФ (Государственный Архив Российско... More

The Romanovs at the dacha of Prince Oldenburg in Peterhof.

The Romanovs at the dacha of Prince Oldenburg in Peterhof.

Members of the imperial family at the car: 3rd left Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna, 4th - Grand Duke Boris Vladimirovich, 5th - Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, 6th - Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich. Члены и... More

Tatiana Nikolaevna. The second daughter of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Official portrait. Photo of 1911.

Tatiana Nikolaevna. The second daughter of Emperor Nicholas II and Emp...

Её Императорское Высочество Великая княжна Татьяна Николаевна (29 мая (10 июня) 1897 - 17 июля 1918 (21 год)). Вторая дочь императора Николая II и императрицы Александры Фёдоровны. Официальный портрет. Фотограф... More

Grand Duchesses Maria and Anastasia. 1914.

Grand Duchesses Maria and Anastasia. 1914.

Великие Княжны Мария Николаевна и Анастасия Николаевна 1914 год. Российская Империя. Династия Романовых. Grand Princesses Maria Nikolaevna and Anastasia Nikolaevna 1914 year. Russian empire. The Romanov dynasty.

The Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna. The third daughter of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Tsarskoe Selo.

The Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna. The third daughter of Emperor Nich...

Великая княжна Мария Николаевна (14 (26) июня 1899 — 17 июля 1918 (19 лет)). Третья дочь императора Николая II и императрицы Александры Фёдоровны. Царское село. Хранение: ГАРФ. The Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevn... More

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duchesses Maria and Anastasia. 1905-1906.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duchesses Maria and Anastasia....

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duchesses Maria and Anastasia. 1905-1906. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with wounded soldiers. 1905-1906.

Grand Duchesses  Olga, Maria and Tatiana .1906.

Grand Duchesses Olga, Maria and Tatiana .1906.

Великие Княжны Ольга Николаевна, Мария Николаевна и Татьяна Николаевна. 1906 год. Российская Империя. Династия Романовых. Grand Princesses Olga Nikolaevna, Maria Nikolaevna and Tatyana Nikolaevna. 1906 year. R... More

Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna. The second daughter of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. At home. Children's photo of 1906.

Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna. The second daughter of Emperor Nicho...

Великая княжна Татьяна Николаевна (29 мая (10 июня) 1897 - 17 июля 1918 (21 год)). Вторая дочь императора Николая II и императрицы Александры Фёдоровны. В домашней обстановке. Детское фото 1906 года. Хранение: ... More

Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna. The second daughter of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. At home. Children's photo of 1906.

Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna. The second daughter of Emperor Nicho...

Великая княжна Татьяна Николаевна (29 мая (10 июня) 1897 - 17 июля 1918 (21 год)). Вторая дочь императора Николая II и императрицы Александры Фёдоровны. В домашней обстановке. Детское фото 1906 года. Хранение: ... More

Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana , Maria. 1905-1906.

Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana , Maria. 1905-1906.

Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana , Maria . 1905-1906 .

The Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia. Daughters of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Photo of 1905-1906.

The Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia. Daughters of E...

Российский Императорский Дом Романовых. Великие княжны Ольга, Татьяна, Мария и Анастасия. Дочери Императора Николая II и Императрицы Александры Фёдоровны. Фотография 1905-1906 года. Хранение: ГАРФ. The Russ... More

The Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, Tsarevich Alexei.

The Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, Tsarevich Alexei....

1907 Public domain photograph of Russian people, group portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Grand duchesses Tatiana, Olga, Maria, Anastasia, tsesarevitch Alexei with navy officers on Imperial yacht Standard

Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Grand duchesses Tat...

NaN Public domain photograph related to navy, naval warfare, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duchesses Olga and Tatiana. 1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duchesses Olga and Tatiana. 18...

NaN Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Grand Duchesses Tatiana and Olga. 1898.

Grand Duchesses Tatiana and Olga. 1898.

ГАРФ 640-3-38 Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with GD Tatiana . Crimea . 1914.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with GD Tatiana . Crimea . 1914.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with GD Tatiana. Crimea. 1914. Императрица Александра Федоровна и ее дочь Великая княжна Татьяна Николаевна на прогулке. Крым, Ливадия.

Grand Duchess Maria Nicholaevna child portrait

Grand Duchess Maria Nicholaevna child portrait

GRAND DUCHESS MARIA NIKOLAEVNA OF RUSSIA Public domain photograph - child portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Grand duchesses Tatiana and Olga

Grand duchesses Tatiana and Olga

Grand duchesses Tatiana and Olga, 1917

Anna Vyrubova, Grand Duchess Tatiana and Grand Duchess Olga

Anna Vyrubova, Grand Duchess Tatiana and Grand Duchess Olga

The Empress Alexandra's dearest friend is seen wading in the surf with the two eldest Grand Duchesses.

Grand duchess Tatiana . Crimea. 1912.

Grand duchess Tatiana . Crimea. 1912.

Nicholas II and Grand duchess Tatiana. Crimea. 1912.

OTMA .Crimea. 1914. - Public domain portrait photograph

OTMA .Crimea. 1914. - Public domain portrait photograph

Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia

Grand Princess Maria Nikolaevna, Olga Nikolaevna, Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna and Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna.

Grand Princess Maria Nikolaevna, Olga Nikolaevna, Grand Duchess Olga A...

From left to right: Grand Princess Maria Nikolaevna, Olga Nikolaevna, Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna (daughter of Emperor Alexander III) and Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna. Tsarskoe Selo. Слева направо: ... More

Daughters of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Anastasia Nikolaevna, Tatyana Nikolaevna and Maria Nikolaevna aboard the Imperial Yacht "Standart".

Daughters of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Anastasia Nikolaevna, ...

Daughters of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Anastasia Nikolaevna, Tatyana Nikolaevna and Maria Nikolaevna aboard the Imperial Yacht "Standart". Дочери Императора Николая II Великие Княжны Анастасия Николае... More

Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna with a yacht officer aboard the Imperial Yacht "Standart". 1914 year.

Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna with a yacht officer aboard the Imp...

Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna with a yacht officer aboard the Imperial Yacht "Standart". 1914 year. Великая Княжна Анастасия Николаевна с офицером яхты на борту императорской яхты "Штандарт". 1914 год.

Emperor Nicholas II with the daughter of Grand Princess Anastasia Nikolaevna during a walk.Tsarskoe Selo. Spring 1916.

Emperor Nicholas II with the daughter of Grand Princess Anastasia Niko...

Emperor Nicholas II with the daughter of Grand Princess Anastasia Nikolaevna during a walk. Император Николай II с дочерью Великой Княжной Анастасией Николаевной во время прогулки. Царское Село. Весна 1916 года.

The family of the Emperor Nicholas II and the founder and abbess of the Martha and Mary Convent of the Sisters of Mercy Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna at the entrance to the Soldatenkov Hospital .

The family of the Emperor Nicholas II and the founder and abbess of th...

The family of the Emperor Nicholas II and the founder and abbess of the Martha and Mary Convent of the Sisters of Mercy Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna at the entrance to the Soldatenkov Hospital (now the Bo... More

Daughters of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Olga, Anastasia Nikolaevna and Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna. Crimea.

Daughters of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Olga, Anastasia Nikola...

Daughters of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Olga (on the right), Anastasia Nikolaevna (center) and Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna (sister of Emperor Nicholas II). Crimea. Дочери Императора Николая II Вели... More

Amateur photos from the album of the royal family of Nicholas II. Yacht Standard 1899-1900.

Amateur photos from the album of the royal family of Nicholas II. Yach...

Любительские фотографии из альбома царской семьи Николая II. В путешествии на яхте Штандарт 1899-1900 гг.. Хранение: ГАРФ (Государственный Архив Российской Федерации). Amateur photos from the album of the ro... More

The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in Germany. Amateur photos from the album of the Romanov family 1899-1900.

The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in...

Семья Российского Императора Николая Второго в гостях у родственников в Германии. Любительские фотографии из альбома императорской семьи Романовых. 1899-1900 гг. Хранение: ГАРФ (Государственный Архив Российско... More

The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in Germany. Castle Wolfsgarten, in the courtyard at the well. 1899-1900

The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in...

Семья Российского Императора Николая Второго в гостях у родственников в Германии. Замок Вольфсгартен, во дворике у колодца. Любительские фотографии из альбома императорской семьи Романовых. 1899-1900 гг. Хране... More

The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in Germany. Amateur photos from the album of the Romanov family 1899-1900.

The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in...

Семья Российского Императора Николая Второго в гостях у родственников в Германии. Любительские фотографии из альбома императорской семьи Романовых. 1899-1900 гг. Хранение: ГАРФ (Государственный Архив Российско... More

The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in Germany. Amateur photos from the album of the Romanov family 1899-1900.

The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in...

Семья Российского Императора Николая Второго в гостях у родственников в Германии. Любительские фотографии из альбома императорской семьи Романовых. 1899-1900 гг. Хранение: ГАРФ (Государственный Архив Российско... More

Family of Nicholas II Romanov in Sevastopol

Family of Nicholas II Romanov in Sevastopol

From the 1913 diary of Tatiana Romanov: “The Standart”. 17 December. Tuesday. Sailed off to Sevastopol at 5 o’cl. in the morning and arrived at 8 o’cl. 35 min. I got up at 8 o’cl. At 10 o’cl. Papa went to vis... More

The Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna.  The second daughter of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II.

The Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna. The second daughter of the Russ...

Великая княжна Татьяна Николаевна (29 мая (10 июня) 1897 - 17 июля 1918 (21 год)). Вторая дочь Российского Императора Николая II. Фотография 1910 года. The Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna (May 29 (June 10) 18... More

Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna in miltary uniform

Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna in miltary uniform

Её Императорское Высочество Великая Княжна Ольга Николаевна в мундирном платье шефа 3-го гусарского Елисаветградского полка. Первая дочь Императора Николая II и Императрицы Александры Фёдоровны. Шеф 3-го гусарс... More

Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna in hussar uniform

Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna in hussar uniform

Её Императорское Высочество Великая Княжна Ольга Николаевна в мундирном платье шефа 3-го гусарского Елисаветградского полка. Первая дочь Императора Николая II и Императрицы Александры Фёдоровны. Шеф 3-го гусарс... More

Grand Duchesses Tatiana, in the 8th Voznesensky Regiment uniform, and Olga in 3rd Hussar Elisavetgrad Regiment military uniform. 1911.

Grand Duchesses Tatiana, in the 8th Voznesensky Regiment uniform, and ...

Её Императорское Высочество Великая Княжна Ольга Николаевна в мундирном платье шефа 3-го гусарского Елисаветградского полка и Её Императорское Высочество Великая Княжна Татьяна Николаевна в мундирном платье шеф... More

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duchesses Maria and Anastasia. 1905-1906.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duchesses Maria and Anastasia....

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duchesses Maria and Anastasia. 1905-1906. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with wounded soldiers. 1905-1906.

Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna. The third daughter of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. At home. Photo of 1906

Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna. The third daughter of Emperor Nicholas...

Великая княжна Мария Николаевна (14 (26) июня 1899 — 17 июля 1918 (19 лет)). Третья дочь императора Николая II и императрицы Александры Фёдоровны. В домашней обстановке. Фотография 1906 года. Хранение: ГАРФ. Th... More

Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna. The second daughter of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.  On the ship. Children's photo of 1907. Storage: State Archives of the Russian Federation.

Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna. The second daughter of Emperor Nicho...

Великая княжна Татьяна Николаевна (29 мая (10 июня) 1897 - 17 июля 1918 (21 год)). Вторая дочь императора Николая II и императрицы Александры Фёдоровны. На корабле. Детское фото 1907 года. Хранение: ГАРФ. The G... More

Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna. The second daughter of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.  Outdoors. Children's photo of 1907. Storage: State Archives of the Russian Federation.

Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna. The second daughter of Emperor Nicho...

Великая княжна Татьяна Николаевна (29 мая (10 июня) 1897 - 17 июля 1918 (21 год)). Вторая дочь императора Николая II и императрицы Александры Фёдоровны. На прогулке. Детское фото 1907 года. Хранение: ГАРФ. Gran... More

Grand Duchess Tatiana and Anna Vyrubova

Grand Duchess Tatiana and Anna Vyrubova

Tsarskoye Selo Infirmary. Autumn 1914. Between the Grand Duchess Tatiana and Anna Vyrubova is Dmitry Malama. In the foreground, on the floor, Vladimir Ellis. Царскосельский лазарет. Осень 1914. Между Великой ... More

Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with daughters.

Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with daughters.

Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with daughters Olga, Tatiana, Maria.

Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, 1906

Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, 1906

NaN Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

With wounded soldiers, Great duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria

With wounded soldiers, Great duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria

NaN Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Tatiana, Anastasia, Olga, Marie, with Alexis in the Front

Tatiana, Anastasia, Olga, Marie, with Alexis in the Front

Tatiana, Anastasia, Olga, Marie, with Alexis in the Front Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Grand Duchesses Tatiana,Maria,Olga.

Grand Duchesses Tatiana,Maria,Olga.

Grand Duchesses Tatiana,Maria,Olga. Public domain photograph - portrait, children of 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Grand duchess Olga.1916. - Public domain portrait photograph

Grand duchess Olga.1916. - Public domain portrait photograph

NaN Public domain photograph of bedroom, furniture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Grand Duchess Olga  (LOC) - Public domain portrait photograph

Grand Duchess Olga (LOC) - Public domain portrait photograph

Bain News Service,, publisher...Grand Duchess Olga..[between ca. 1910 and ca. 1915]..1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller...Notes:. Title from data provided by the Bain News Service on the negative..Photog... More

Nicholas II with Grand Duchess Olga

Nicholas II with Grand Duchess Olga

Nicholas II with Grand Duchess Olga. Summer 1916.Near Mogilev.

Grand duchess Anastasia.1916 - Public domain portrait print

Grand duchess Anastasia.1916 - Public domain portrait print

Grand duchess Anastasia.1916 Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Grand duchess Tatiana. Crimea . 1912.

Grand duchess Tatiana. Crimea . 1912.

Grand duchess Tatiana. Crimea . 1912. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna and Anastasia Nikolayevna on a walk.

The Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna and Anastasia Nikolayevna on a walk...

The Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna and Anastasia Nikolayevna on a walk. Великие Княжны Мария Николаевна и Анастасия Николаевна на прогулке.

The children of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

The children of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

On the photo the children of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.From left to right: Grand Dukes Anastasia Nikolaevna, Maria Nikolaevna, Olga Nikolaevna, Tatyana Nikolaevna; the far right - Tsa... More

Grand Duchess Tatyana Nikolayevna on the balcony. Spala. 1912.

Grand Duchess Tatyana Nikolayevna on the balcony. Spala. 1912.

Grand Duchess Tatyana Nikolayevna on the balcony. Spala. 1912. Великая Княжна Татьяна Николаевна на балконе. Спала, 1912 год.

Grand Princesses Olga Nikolaevna, Anastasia Nikolaevna, Maria Nikolaevna.

Grand Princesses Olga Nikolaevna, Anastasia Nikolaevna, Maria Nikolaev...

Grand Princesses Olga Nikolaevna, Anastasia Nikolaevna, Maria Nikolaevna. Великие Княжны Ольга Николаевна, Анастасия Николаевна, Мария Николаевна.

Daughters of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Maria Nikolaevna, Anastasia Nikolaevna and Olga Nikolaevna.

Daughters of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Maria Nikolaevna, Anas...

Daughters of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Maria Nikolaevna, Anastasia Nikolaevna and Olga Nikolaevna. Дочери Императора Николая II Великие Княжны Мария Николаевна, Анастасия Николаевна и Ольга Николаевна.

Grand duchess Tatiana with Sablin N.P. 1913.

Grand duchess Tatiana with Sablin N.P. 1913.

The daughter of Emperor Nicholas II Grand DuchessTatyana Nikolaevna and senior officer Sablin Nikolay Pavlovich aboard the Imperial Yacht "Standart".. 1913 Дочь Императора Николая II Великая Княжна Татьяна Ник... More

Grand Duchess Anastasia.Tsarskoe Selo. Spring 1916.

Grand Duchess Anastasia.Tsarskoe Selo. Spring 1916.

Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna daughter of Emperor Nicholas II. Tsarskoe Selo. The spring of 1916. Великая Княжна Анастасия Николаевна дочь Императора Николая II. Царское Село. Весна 1916 года.

The daughter of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Anastasia Nikolaevna.

The daughter of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Anastasia Nikolaevn...

The daughter of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Anastasia Nikolaevna. Дочь Императора Николая II Великая Княжна Анастасия Николаевна.

Romanov's in Romania (1914), Russian Empire

Romanov's in Romania (1914), Russian Empire

Taken from the documentary Russia's Lost Princesses. This is when there where marriage negotiations between Tsar Nicholas’s eldest daughter, Olga, and Carol II of Romania. When the Romanov’s visited their Roman... More

The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in Germany. Amateur photos from the album of the Romanov family 1899-1900.

The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in...

Семья Российского Императора Николая Второго в гостях у родственников в Германии. Любительские фотографии из альбома императорской семьи Романовых. 1899-1900 гг. Хранение: ГАРФ (Государственный Архив Российско... More

The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in Germany. Amateur photos from the album of the Romanov family 1899-1900.

The family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II visited his relatives in...

Семья Российского Императора Николая Второго в гостях у родственников в Германии. Любительские фотографии из альбома императорской семьи Романовых. 1899-1900 гг. Хранение: ГАРФ (Государственный Архив Российско... More

The Romanovs at the dacha of Prince Oldenburg in Peterhof.

The Romanovs at the dacha of Prince Oldenburg in Peterhof.

Members of the imperial family and close to the terrace of the house (from left to right in the first row): 3rd - Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna (senior), 4th - Grand Duchess Elizaveta Mavrikievna, 5th - Minister... More

Grand Duchesses Tatiana, in the 8th Voznesensky Regiment uniform, and Olga in 3rd Hussar Elisavetgrad Regiment military uniform. 1911

Grand Duchesses Tatiana, in the 8th Voznesensky Regiment uniform, and ...

Её Императорское Высочество Великая Княжна Ольга Николаевна в мундирном платье шефа 3-го гусарского Елисаветградского полка и Её Императорское Высочество Великая Княжна Татьяна Николаевна в мундирном платье шеф... More

The Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia. Daughters of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Photo of 1906.

The Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia. Daughters of E...

Российский Императорский Дом Романовых. Слева направо: Великие Княжны Ольга, Анастасия, Мария и Татьяна. Дочери Императора Николая II и Императрицы Александры Феодоровны. Фотография 1906 года. Хранение: ГАРФ. ... More

The Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia. Daughters of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Photo of 1905-1906.

The Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia. Daughters of E...

Российский Императорский Дом Романовых. Великие княжны Ольга, Татьяна, Мария и Анастасия. Дочери Императора Николая II и Императрицы Александры Фёдоровны. Фотография 1905-1906 года. Хранение: ГАРФ. The Russi... More

Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna. The second daughter of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. At home. Children's photo of 1906.

Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna. The second daughter of Emperor Nicho...

Великая княжна Татьяна Николаевна (29 мая (10 июня) 1897 - 17 июля 1918 (21 год)). Вторая дочь императора Николая II и императрицы Александры Фёдоровны. В домашней обстановке. Детское фото 1906 года. Хранение: ... More

Grand Duchess Olga Nicholaevna. 1914.

Grand Duchess Olga Nicholaevna. 1914.

Великая Княжна Ольга Николаевна в форме сестры милосердия. 1914. Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna in the form of a sister of mercy. 1914.

Grand Duchesses Anastasia and Maria  on board of Imperial Yacht Standart  June 1908

Grand Duchesses Anastasia and Maria on board of Imperial Yacht Standa...

NaN Public domain photograph - female portrait, 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia on board the Imperial yacht Standart. June 1908.

The Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia on board the Im...

Великие княжны Ольга, Татьяна, Мария и Анастасия - дочери Российского Императора Николая II и Императрицы Александры Фёдоровны. На борту императорскоя яхты Штандарт. Июнь 1908 года. The Grand Duchesses Olga, T... More

The Tsarevich Alexei and Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia aboard the Imperial yacht Standart. June 1908.

The Tsarevich Alexei and Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anas...

Цесаревич Алексей и Великие Княжны Ольга, Татьяна, Мария и Анастасия - дети Российского Императора Николая II и Императрицы Александры Фёдоровны на борту императорской яхты Штандарт. Июнь 1908 года. Tsarevich ... More

The Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna. The fourth daughter of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Photo of 1904.

The Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna. The fourth daughter of Emperor...

Великая княжна Анастасия Николаевна (5 (18) июня 1901 — 17 июля 1918 (17 лет)). Четвертая дочь императора Николая II и императрицы Александры Фёдоровны. Фотография 1904 года. The Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolae... More

Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna. The first daughter of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Photo of Levitsky, 1901.

Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna. The first daughter of Emperor Nicholas ...

Великая княжна Ольга Николаевна (3 (15) ноября 1895 - 17 июля 1918 (22 года)). Первая дочь императора Николая II и императрицы Александры Фёдоровны. Фотография Левицкого, 1901 год. The Grand Duchess Olga Nikol... More

Grand Duchesses Tatiana, Olga, Maria. 1900?.

Grand Duchesses Tatiana, Olga, Maria. 1900?.

ГАРФ 640-3-38 Public domain photograph - portrait, children of 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia

Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia

Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia

Grand duchesses Olga & Anastasia. 1914.

Grand duchesses Olga & Anastasia. 1914.

Grand duchesses Olga & Anastasia. Yacht Standard. 1914.

Grand Duchess Tatiana. 1906. - Public domain portrait photograph

Grand Duchess Tatiana. 1906. - Public domain portrait photograph

Grand Duchess Tatiana. 1906. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Czar and Family (LOC) - Public domain portrait print

Czar and Family (LOC) - Public domain portrait print

Bain News Service,, publisher...Czar and Family..[between ca. 1915 and ca. 1920]..1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller...Notes:. Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negative... More

Grand duchesses Tatiana & Olga. 1913.

Grand duchesses Tatiana & Olga. 1913.

Grand duchesses Tatiana & Olga. 1913. Yacht Standard.

Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia 1914

Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia 1914

Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia.


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