Ковров - Ковров

Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia - Ковров, Владимирская губернияСделано: Romanov Empire - Империя РомановыхДатирована: 1876
По преданию, поселение на месте Коврова основал великий князь Юрий Долгорукий в XII веке. В XVI веке деревня была передана князьям Ковровым, по имени которых деревня стала называться Коврово, а в 1778 году деревня получила статус уездного города. Благодаря железной дороге в Коврове появились фабрики и заводы: беконный завод, паровой мельница, механико-сортировочный завод, чугунный завод, механические мастерские дороги Москва-Нижний Новгород, бумажный завод Ивана Треумова, 33 питейных заведения, три школы. Согласно преданию, поселение на месте Коврова было основано великим князем Юрием Долгоруким в XII веке. В XVI столетии село было отдано во владение Ковровым, по именам которых село названо Коврово, и в 1778 году село получило статус уездного города. Благая железная дорога в Коврове появила фабрики и заводы: салотопенный, паровая мукомольная и механическо-ткацкая фабрика и, кроме того, чугунолитейный завод, механические мастерские Московско-Нижнегорской дороги, бумаготкацкая Ивана Треумова, 33 питейных заведы, три учи.
36 Медиа в коллекциистраница 1 из 1
Bazarnaya street. Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

Bazarnaya street. Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

Bazarnaya street According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given over to the prin... Еще

Railway station, Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

Railway station, Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

Railway station In 1858, the first scheduled train of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod railway from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow suffered an accident near the station Kovrov I. In 1880, Kovrov became the starting point... Еще

New Boulevard. Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

New Boulevard. Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

New Boulevard Thanks to the railway in Kovrov, there were factories and plants: a bacon plant, a steam mill, a mechanical-weaving factory, a cast-iron plant, mechanical workshops of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod ... Еще

Прибытие поезда, Вокзал, Ковров Владимирской губернии, Россия

Прибытие поезда, Вокзал, Ковров Владимирской губернии, Россия

Railway station In 1858, the first scheduled train of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod railway from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow suffered an accident near the station Kovrov I. In 1880, Kovrov became the starting point... Еще

Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия, Московская ул. 1900-е годы

Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия, Московская ул. 1900-е годы

Moscow Street According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given over to the princes... Еще

Большая улица, Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Большая улица, Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

The Big street According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given over to the prince... Еще

View of Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

View of Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given over to the princes of Kovrov, by ... Еще

Мост через реку Клязьма. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Мост через реку Клязьма. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

The bridge on the river Klyazma According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given o... Еще

Old boulevard. Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

Old boulevard. Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

Old boulevard Thanks to the railway in Kovrov, there were factories and plants: a bacon plant, a steam mill, a mechanical-weaving factory, a cast-iron plant, mechanical workshops of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod ... Еще

Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia, view

Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia, view

According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given over to the princes of Kovrov, by ... Еще

Московская улица в Коврове, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Московская улица в Коврове, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Moscow Street According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given over to the princes... Еще

Railway station. Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

Railway station. Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

Railway station In 1858, the first scheduled train of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod railway from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow suffered an accident near the station Kovrov I. In 1880, Kovrov became the starting point... Еще

Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия, вид со стороны реки Клязьмы

Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия, вид со стороны реки Клязьмы

According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given over to the princes of Kovrov, by ... Еще

Московская улица. Сцена из Коврова, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Московская улица. Сцена из Коврова, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Moscow Street According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given over to the princes... Еще

Железнодорожный завод (механические мастерские дороги Москва-Нижний Новгород). Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Железнодорожный завод (механические мастерские дороги Москва-Нижний Но...

Railway plant (mechanical workshops of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod road) In 1858, the first scheduled train of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod railway from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow suffered an accident near the sta... Еще

Московская улица. Открытка. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Московская улица. Открытка. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Moscow Street According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given over to the princes... Еще

Московская улица. Новый бульвар. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Московская улица. Новый бульвар. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Moscow Street According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given over to the princes... Еще

Вид из собора. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Вид из собора. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

View from the Cathedral According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given over to t... Еще

Базарная улица и собор. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Базарная улица и собор. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Bazarnaya street. Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the... Еще

City shopping arcades, Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

City shopping arcades, Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

City shopping arcades Thanks to the railway in Kovrov, there were factories and plants: a bacon plant, a steam mill, a mechanical-weaving factory, a cast-iron plant, mechanical workshops of the Moscow-Nizhny N... Еще

Вид со стороны Дубки, Ковров Владимирской губернии, Россия

Вид со стороны Дубки, Ковров Владимирской губернии, Россия

View from Dubki Thanks to the railway in Kovrov, there were factories and plants: a bacon plant, a steam mill, a mechanical-weaving factory, a cast-iron plant, mechanical workshops of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgoro... Еще

Городские торговые ряды и рынок Коврова, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Городские торговые ряды и рынок Коврова, Владимирская губерния, Россия

City shopping arcades Thanks to the railway in Kovrov, there were factories and plants: a bacon plant, a steam mill, a mechanical-weaving factory, a cast-iron plant, mechanical workshops of the Moscow-Nizhny N... Еще

Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia, river view

Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia, river view

According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given over to the princes of Kovrov, by ... Еще

Московская улица зимой. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Московская улица зимой. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Moscow Street According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given over to the princes... Еще

Набережная реки Клязьмы. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Набережная реки Клязьмы. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Embankment on the river Klyazma According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given o... Еще

Zemstvo Council. Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

Zemstvo Council. Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

Zemstvo Council According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given over to the princ... Еще

Moscow Street. Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

Moscow Street. Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

Moscow Street According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given over to the princes... Еще

Плавучий мост на Клязьме. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Плавучий мост на Клязьме. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

The bridge on the river Klyazma According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given o... Еще

Соборная улица и торговые ряды. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Соборная улица и торговые ряды. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Cathedral street and shopping arcade Thanks to the railway in Kovrov, there were factories and plants: a bacon plant, a steam mill, a mechanical-weaving factory, a cast-iron plant, mechanical workshops of the ... Еще

Памятник императору Александру II. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Памятник императору Александру II. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Росс...

Monument to Emperor Alexander II According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given ... Еще

Shopping Arcades. Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

Shopping Arcades. Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

Shopping Arcades In 1858, the first scheduled train of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod railway from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow suffered an accident near the station Kovrov I. In 1880, Kovrov became the starting poin... Еще

Ковров, вид с реки. Владимирская губерния, Россия

Ковров, вид с реки. Владимирская губерния, Россия

According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given over to the princes of Kovrov, by ... Еще

Московская улица. 1900-е гг. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Московская улица. 1900-е гг. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Moscow Street According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given over to the princes... Еще

Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия, вид с церковной башни

Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия, вид с церковной башни

According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given over to the princes of Kovrov, by ... Еще

Klyazma river. Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

Klyazma river. Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia

According to the legend, the settlement on the site of the future Kovrov was founded by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century. In the XVI century the village was given over to the princes of Kovrov, by ... Еще

Спасо-Преображенская улица. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Спасо-Преображенская улица. Ковров, Владимирская губерния, Россия

Savior-Transfiguration Street Thanks to the railway in Kovrov, there were factories and plants: a bacon plant, a steam mill, a mechanical-weaving factory, a cast-iron plant, mechanical workshops of the Moscow-... Еще